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Composition en cires, triglycérides, protéines et sucres du mésozooplancton ArchiMer
Alayse-danet, Anne-marie; Daniel, Jean-yves; Le Coz, Jean-rene.
Analyses effectuées sur le zooplancton total des pêches verticales au WP2 et sur des animaux triés à partir des pêches horizontales (Campagne RCA sur les côtes Atlantiques du Portugal). On ne signale pas de différence significative entre la composition biochimique des populations du large et de la côte
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zooplancton; Milieu marin; Composition chimique; Glucide; Cire animale; Triglycéride; Protéine; Océan Atlantique Nord; Upwelling; Méiofaune; Portugal; France; Zone côtière; Zooplankton; Marine environment; Chemical composition; Carbohydrate; Animal wax; Triglyceride; Proteins; North Atlantic; Upwelling; Meiofauna; Portugal; France; Coastal zone.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Serum concentrations of creatine kinase and of triglycerides during lactation in gilts bred older and in multiparous sows fed ad libitum Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Nogueira,R.H.G.; Guedes,R.M.C.; Souza,J.C.A..
The aim of this paper was to assess the possible variation in blood concentrations of creatine kinase (CK) and triglycerides in gilts bred older in comparison with multiparous sows. Ten primiparous and ten Camborough multiparous sows from the fourth to seventh parities were used. Breeding age and weight of gilts averaged respectively 231 days and 149.5kg. All females were moved into individual farrowing crates and were managed under the same conditions. Blood samples were collected by puncturing the coccygeal artery on day 7 before expected farrowing, and on days 2, 7, 14, 21 of lactation and 2 days after weaning. No difference in triglycerides and CK serum concentrations between groups were observed. The CK levels were low before farrowing, increased...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sow; Gilt; Creatine kinase; Triglyceride.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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無水乳脂肪の分別画分の性状と分別条件の検討 OAK
丹治, 幹男; 大西, 正男; 司城, 不二; Tanji, Mikio; Ohnishi, Masao; Tsukasaki, Fuji.
無水乳脂肪を最終温度23℃で1段階自然分別して、ヨウ素価27で軟化点41.1℃の結晶画分(HF1)を24%の収量で得た。次いで、液状画分(SF1)に対して2段階分別を行い、分別物の収量と性状に及ぼす初期温度、最終温度および撹拌速度の影響を検討した。初期温度18℃と30℃の条件で比較すると、後者では不定形の大きな結晶(50μm程度)のみが析出して濾過が存易であった。得られた結晶画分(HF2)は、固体脂指数が高く、また1 段階分別で得られたHF1に次ぐ高い軟化点を有していた。SFlを冷却すると、12.5℃で温度が下がらない「hold状態」になり、500μm程度の不定形結晶と小さい150μm程度の球形結晶が得られた。それより少し高い温度(13℃)に設定すると、小さい球形結晶(100μm程度)のみが大量に生じた。この場合、濾過が困難であったがHF2の収量は43%と高かった。ヨウ素価から判断すると、得られたHF2は12.5℃の条件と比べて融け易い性状であった。これは、中融点性のトリグリセリド種がより多く液状画分からHF2へと移行したことによると考えられた。撹拌速度については、速い条件(50rpm)でも遅い粂件 (28rpm)でも細かい結晶(50~100μm)が析出し、濾過効率の面から中間速度(43rpm)が適当であった。
Palavras-chave: ; 脂肪; 分別; トリグリセリド; 高融点画分; Milk; Fat; Fractionation; Triglyceride; Hard fraction.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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The beta-chemokines MIP-1alpha and RANTES and lipoprotein metabolism in HIV-infected brazilian patients BJID
Mikawa,Angela Yumico; Malavazi,Iran; Tagliavini,Sandra Antonia; Abrão,Emiliana P.; Costa,Paulo Inácio da.
HIV patients are predisposed to the development of hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia as a result of both viral infection and HIV infection therapy, especially the protease inhibitors. Chemokines and cytokines are present at sites of inflammation and can influence the nature of the inflammatory response in atherosclerosis. We investigated the correlation between biochemical variables and beta-chemokines (MIP-1alpha and RANTES) and the apolipoprotein E genotype in HIV-infected individuals. The apolipoproteins were measured by nephelometry. Triglycerides and total cholesterol were determined by standard enzymatic procedures. The beta-chemokines were detected by ELISA. The genetic category of CCR5 and apolipoprotein E were determined by PCR...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beta- chemokine; HIV; Genotype; Lipoproteins; Cholesterol; Triglyceride.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Relationship of cyclosporin and sirolimus blood concentrations regarding the incidence and severity of hyperlipidemia after kidney transplantation BJMBR
Spinelli,G.A.; Felipe,C.R.; Machado,P.G.; Garcia,R.; Casarini,D.E.; Moreira,S.R.; Park,S.I.; Tedesco-Silva Jr.,H.; Medina-Pestana,J.O..
The influence of drug concentrations on the development of persistent posttransplant hyperlipidemia was investigated in 82 patients who received cyclosporin A (CsA) and prednisone plus sirolimus (SRL) (52) or azathioprine (AZA) (30) during the first year after transplantation. Blood levels of CsA and SRL, daily doses of AZA and prednisone, and cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose concentrations were determined during each visit (pretransplant and 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 360 days posttransplant). Persistent hyperlipidemia was defined as one-year average steady-state cholesterol (CavCHOL) or triglyceride (CavTG) concentrations above 240 and 200 mg/dL, respectively. Mean cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations increased after transplantation (P <...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hyperlipidemia; Cholesterol; Triglyceride; Kidney transplantation; Cyclosporin A; Sirolimus.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Potato Pulps Lowered the Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels in Rats OAK
HASHIMOTO, Naoto; ITO, Yusaku; HAN, Kyu-Ho; SHIMADA, Ken-ichiro; SEKIKAWA, Mitsuo; TOPPING, David L.; BIRD, Anthony R.; NODA, Takahiro; CHIJI, Hideyuki; FUKUSHIMA, Michihiro; 韓, 圭鎬; 島田, 謙一郎; 関川, 三男; 福島, 道広.
Palavras-chave: Cholesterol; Triglyceride; Potato pulps; Liver.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Qualitative feed restriction on productive performance and lipid metabolism in broiler chickens Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Cornejo,S.; Gadelha,A.C.; Pokniak,J.; Villouta,G..
A trial was carried out to evaluate the effect of qualitative restriction at different rearing phases on liver fatness and plasma triglycerides without impairing the productive performance of broiler chickens. One hundred and seventy-six male chicks were randomly assigned to four treatments and reared in battery brooders (16 pens with 11 birds each) from 1 to 49-day-old. In the control group, chicks were fed a starter diet (1 to 28-day-old) with 3,300kcal ME/kg of diet and 22.5% CP; grower diet (29 to 42-day-old) 3,300kcal ME/kg of diet and 18.2% CP; and the finisher diet (43 to 49-day-old) 3,300kcal ME/kg and 18.2% CP. Three restrict groups were fed a low 2,800kcal ME/kg of diet and 24% CP from 7 to 14-day-old (treatment 1); from 7 to 21-day-old...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler chicken; Feed restriction; Productive performance; Liver; Triglyceride.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Effects of PSMA1 on the differentiation and lipid deposition of bovine preadipocytes R. Bras. Zootec.
Li,Sheng; Chen,Chengzhen; Jiang,Hao; Zhang,Jiabao; Zhou,Qian; Gao,Yan; Yuan,Bao; Zhang,Mingjun.
ABSTRACT In this study, our goal was to clarify the role of proteasomal subunit α-1 (PSMA1) in both the differentiation of preadipocytes and the accumulation of lipids in adipocytes. Preadipocytes from healthy one-day-old calves were collected, isolated, and cultured in vitro. The expression pattern of the PSMA1 gene was explored during the differentiation of bovine preadipocytes firstly. Then, the expression of the PSMA1 gene was inhibited by transfection of a chemically synthesized small interfering RNA (siRNA) before differentiation. After induction of differentiation, the mRNA levels of key regulating genes involved in preadipocyte differentiation and the lipid content of mature adipocytes with and without inhibition of PSMA1 were detected by qRT-PCR...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gene expression; SiRNA; Transfection; Triglyceride.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Acumulación de ácido araquidónico en fosfolípidos y triglicéridos y producción de prostaglandinas con relación a estrés térmico en semilla de ostión Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Duran Encinas, Yazmin.
Crassostrea gigas is a marine invertebrate that inhabits the intertidal zone and therefore, is commonly exposed to multiple environmental stressors, including temperature. In recent years mass mortality events have been reported in Mexico in C. gigas associated with the increase in temperature during the summer. Organisms under thermal stress present an increase in prostaglandins (PG) production by cyclooxygenases (COX), an enzymatic route using arachidonic acid (ARA) present in the phospholipids (FL) of the cell membrane as substrate, but PG can also increase non-enzymatically by reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are produced during increased metabolism. It has been reported that some organisms exposed to stress accumulate a higher concentration of ARA...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arachidonic acid; Stress; Phospholipid; Isotope; Mollusk; Temperature; Triglyceride; Prostaglandin.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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